Find out how to perform Agnihotra on your own! This ancient pyramid science can revolutionize your life. In a short time you will learn the simple but exact method to prepare and perform Agnihotra. With practice, you will experience the beneficial effects of the healing fires in your own home, garden or balcony within a few days.

On this page you will learn how to perform Agnihotra and how to prepare the necessary materials yourself. Click here to buy Agnihotra supplies

Agnihotra Materials:

1.) Copper Pyramid:

A copper pyramid of prescribed size is required for Agnihotra. The specific geometry of the stepped pyramid acts as a generator for the resonance created at the exact moment of Agnihotra. Pyramids have been laboratory tested by modern science and have been shown to have powerful curative effects, including decrease in radioactivity, production of negative ions and enhanced immune systems of living organisms.

2.) Dried cow manure:

This is the main fuel source for the Agnihotra fire. Cow dung is a very medicinal substance. In all ancient cultures, such as the native Indians of the Americas, Scandinavians, Asians, and Africans, cow dung applications are used for a variety of ailments. Cow dung has also been shown to act as a radioactivity neutralizer and to have antimicrobial properties. Of course, it is best that the cow dung is collected from cows raised on an organic farm that eat pure grass, hay and grains – not factory cows. You can buy dried organic cow dung biscuits here

3.) brown rice:

For Agnihotra, uncooked, unbroken pieces of rice, preferably organic whole brown rice, should be used. If the rice is broken, the chemical analysis of both pieces may be the same, but the subtle energy structure is broken and therefore it should not be used for the healing fire of Agnihotra, argues the ancient science of bioenergy. The rice grains will be used as an offering to the fire during the exact time of Agnihotra.

4.) Ghee (clarified butter):

Put pure, unsalted, unadulterated cow’s milk butter in a saucepan and slowly bring to a boil over low heat. Remove and discard the white substance that rises to the top. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve. What goes through it is ghee. Keep the ghee in a container. It does not need to be refrigerated. Note: ghee may only be 100% pure cow ghee and not from another animal species. Again, ghee also has incredible medicinal properties and has been used in the science of Ayurveda in numerous medicinal preparations for thousands of years.

5.) Agnihotra Timetable:

Agnihotra is practiced every day exactly at sunrise and sunset. Only at these two times is it possible to receive the flood of life-sustaining energies coming from the sun and use them for the benefit of all living beings. If you miss the exact timing, it is not Agnihotra and the powerful healing effect will be lacking. You can calculate your own Agnihotra sunrise / sunset times by visiting this site and entering your exact location.

An app has also been created for the iPhone and Android phones called Agnihotra buddy  that can be used to calculate exact timings for Agnihotra.

Agnihotra buddy app for iPhone and iPad

Agnihotra buddy app for Android devices

Turn up the heat:

- Put a small piece of cow dung on the bottom of the pyramid.

- Break three pieces of cow dung and arrange them in a triangular way as shown in the picture.

- Break a narrow, longer piece of cow dung to light the fire

Apply Ghee and Prepare for Light:

- Spread ghee on the inside of the pieces of cow dung in the pyramid.

- Grab your lighter piece and cover both sides with a thin layer of ghee.

Prepare the rice offering:

- Take about a teaspoon of grains of rice and put them in your offering bowl.

- Remove any broken grains from the bowl.

Divide your rice into two portions and cover with a thin layer of ghee.

Prepare the rice offering:

- Take about a teaspoon of grains of rice and put them in your offering bowl.

- Remove any broken grains from the bowl.

Divide your rice into two portions and cover with a thin layer of ghee.

Light the fire:

- Light your pointed lighter about 3 to 4 minutes before Agnihotra time.

- If necessary, add ghee with your copper spoon to feed the fire.

perform agnihotra

- A few seconds before the exact time of Agnihotra as indicated on your timesheet, take the first serving of rice within the fingertips of your right hand.

- At the exact time, recite the Mantra and add the first portion of rice right after the first “Swaha”. Add the last portion after the second “Swaha”.

- After the mantras have been spoken and the rice offering has been given, it is best not to disturb the fire, because of the interplay of subtle energies. If possible, avoid moving the pyramid until the next time you prepare for Agnihotra.

- Relax in a state of meditation and clear your mind, at least until the fire extinguishes itself. Take a deep breath as the tension dissipates and the healing effects of the fire are at their peak.

mantra for Agnihotra

Morning Agnihotra Mantra:

sooryáya swáhá, sooryáya idam na mama:
prajápataye swáhá, prajápataye idam na mama

Evening Agnihotra Mantra:

agnaye swáhá, agnaye idam na mama
prajápataye swáhá, prajápataye idam na mama

Enjoy the effects of Agnihotra!

After performing Agnihotra, meditate or relax and try to let the thoughts disappear from your mind. Take a deep breath and let the tensions slide out of your body and mind.

In any case, you can sit in silence until the fire goes out on its own. Collect the ashes (at the next Agnihotra) and keep it in an earthenware, glass or wood container. DO NOT store Agnihotra ashes in a container made of plastic or metals other than copper or gold. Agnihotra ash can be used as a fertilizer for plants or for making folk medicine for animals and humans. In South America it is called “wonderas”. Learn more about how to make your own Agnihotra Ash Medicines here.

A larger fire with more dried cow dung enhances the healing effects and produces a greater amount of healing ash.

How to Make Dried Cow Manure:

If you want to make your own Agnihotra dried cow dung cakes, you first need to find a good source of grass-fed dung from healthy cows.

After collecting the fresh manure, form flat pancake-like pasties and let them dry in the sun on a window screen or similar material. Keep the dry dung patties for daily use.

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